Breast cancer and early diagnosis

Breast cancer and early diagnosis

A new method that can accurately predict a woman's risk of developing breast cancer has been discovered by scientists in the UK. The team leader is the Cambridge Greek Cypriot professor Antonis Antoniou, who notes that this method essentially changes the terms of the game.

The method combines hundreds of genetic markers (about 300 genes) with family history and other information such as woman's weight and lifestyle in order to make a more comprehensive assessment of future risk. What will be achieved is that women in a high risk group for breast cancer will take preventive treatment or more exams to monitor their case better.

In addition to the breast, the researchers, who made the relevant publication in Genetics in Medicine, underline that the test can also assess the risk of ovarian cancer.

As Antoniou said, "It's the first time someone has combined so many elements into a tool for predicting breast cancer. We are now able to locate large numbers of women with different levels of risk and not just women at high risk. This will help physicians to tailor treatment according to the risk level of each patient. "

"We hope that this will mean that more people will be diagnosed early and can survive the disease for longer. But more research and testing are needed before we fully understand how this method can be used, " he added. The test will be tested this year by some physicians in the UK, according to the BBC and Guardian.


Aggeliki Koskeridou

Holistic Doctor – Counseling Psychotherapist

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

MSc c. Health Psychology

insta: dr_aggelikikoskeridou_official 

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