A distinguished British scientist, Mel Greaves, who has devoted much of his research and life to the causes of childhood leukaemia, presents an impressive finding that could help treat this form of cancer.
The data
In 1950, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia killed countless children around the world each year. Now 90% of cases are cured - however, the treatment is extremely toxic and can have long-term side effects. In addition, in recent decades, scientists have seen an increase in the incidence of childhood leukaemia, across Europe, at a steady rate of 1%.
"It's an element of developed societies, but not of developing ones. That is, the disease progresses along with well-being" says Greaves to Nature Reviews Cancer magazine.
The Innovation
His idea may sound somewhat simplistic. Greaves is at a stage where he is trying to create a drink - in the form of yogurt - that will include substances that will help treat factors that lead to leukaemia in young children.
He is a scientist who has been studying pediatric leukaemia for decades at the Cancer Research Institute in London. In fact, two years ago, the British government honored him with the title of "knight", in a move to recognize his important work in this field.
He says he is very dedicated in this area and his work certainly proves his determination. He comments on the causes that emerge through his research:
"Now, for the first time, we finally have an answer to this question - and that means we can now start thinking of ways to stop leukaemia early. That's how my idea for this drink came about. "
The causes behind childhood leukemia
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is caused by a sequence of biological events. Initially, a genetic mutation is responsible for about 1 in 20 children due to an accident in the womb. It is not inherited, but puts the child at risk for leukemia for the rest of his life.
Finally, leukemia requires another biological factor, which is related to the immune system. "In order for the immune system to work properly, it needs to be confronted with an infection within the first year of life. "Without this 'battle', the immune system remains unprepared and will not function properly when needed," explains Greaves.
This is a very important observation, the basis of which, unfortunately, we generally tend to ignore as a society. In other words, what is being observed today is that parents are raising children in sterile homes with antiseptic wipes and antibacterial soaps, avoiding any kind of dirt at all costs. These conditions do not help to activate the immune system.
At the same time, there is a tendency for new mothers to breastfeed less, which does not help strengthen the baby's immune system. Also, the fact that they bring their babies even less into contact with other children results in children not being infected with germs.
Of course these conditions have their advantages, but the disadvantages are serious. Their immune system is not properly equipped. So, when such a child finally comes in contact with a simple infection, his unprepared immune system reacts in an extremely unnatural way and activates a chronic infection.
What's going on over there? This infection progresses, the chemical cytokines are released into the bloodstream and cause a second mutation that causes leukemia in children who "carry" the first genetic mutation mentioned above.
Therefore, an already vulnerable child is likely to be burdened by this modern lifestyle.
What's the 'key'
At present, scientists do not have the necessary knowledge or means to intervene in the initial mutation that occurs in the uterus. However, according to Greaves, it is possible to find a way to block the chronic infection that occurs later in a child's life.
So he and his team are working on the bacteria, viruses and germs that live in the human gut, which are an indication of the germs we have been exposed to in our lives. Thus, people in developed countries have far fewer bacteria in their intestinal tract because they live more "cleanly" than babies.
Using these studies, scientists are currently experimenting with mice to find the "best" germs that can restore a child's immune system to make them healthier. The mixture of these germs will therefore be given to the child
The Institute of Cancer Research, Leading UK scientist reveals likely cause of childhood leukaemia, https://www.icr.ac.uk/news-archive/leading-uk-scientist-reveals-likely-cause-of-childhood-leukaemia.
Mel Greaves, (2018), A causal mechanism for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, Nature Reviews Cancer, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41568-018-0015-6.
By Dr Angel,
Aggeliki Koskeridou
Holistic Doctor – Counseling Psychotherapist
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
MSc Health Psychology
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