What surfaces should we regularly disinfect throughout the day

Which surfaces should we regularly disinfect throughout the day:


The coronavirus pandemic has confronted us with many situations that we may find difficult to handle.

A key issue is what we need to disinfect.


So let's see what surfaces we need to clean regularly, as the virus survives, according to scientists, from a few hours to days.


These are everyday items that we touch on a regular basis, and we need to be careful.


Let's see what these surfaces are:


Mobile phone.




Bank Cards.








Διακόπτες ρεύματος. 



Door knobs and balcony doors.


Fixed telephone device.


Computer Keyboard & Mouse.








BY Dr Angel,

Aggeliki Koskeridou

Holistic Doctor – Counseling Psychotherapist

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

MSc Health Psychology


insta: dr_aggelikikoskeridou_official 


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