Stuffed mushrooms, with couscous, tomatoes and avocado

Stuffed mushrooms, with couscous, tomatoes and avocado

If your appetite draws a light and refreshing dish, then you have the ideal recipe in front of you. If you are even more fond of mushrooms, avocados or couscous, you have another reason to try the stuffed mushrooms we suggest. 



What you need (for 2 servings)

- 4 large mushrooms

- 225g chopped tomato canned, of good quality

- 75g whole grain couscous

- 3pc olive oil

- 1 handful of chives, finely chopped

- 1 mature avocado

- zest and juice from 1 lemon

- 30g mixture of spice nuts

- freshly ground black pepper

- 30g rocca leaves or parsley for serving


Steps of preparation

1. Stir in a bowl the couscous, the tomatoes and the olive oil. Add the chives and black pepper as much as you like. Stir the mixture with a spoon and leave it to the edge to bind, 10-15 minutes.

2. Preheat the oven to 180ºC. In the meantime, cut the avocado into the middle and remove the pit. With a spoon, you get its flesh and put it in a bowl with lemon zest and lemon juice. You melt them to make a single blend.

3. Remove the mushroom trunk and then put the mushroom lid back in an oiled pan to turn it over with our mixes.

4. When the couscous soften, share the mushrooms. Spread the avocado mixture over. Sprinkle with the spice mixture sufficiently covering their surface.

5. Place the baking pan in the oven for 15-20 minutes. We want the mushrooms cooked and not completely soft. Serve them with the rocca.


It is good to know that:

- the tomato is rich in lycopene, a highly effective substance against free radicals in our body,

- is released during cooking,

- the absorption of the body contributes to the vegetable fats contained, inter alia, in olive oil and avocados.

Source: DK Books, Eat Better Live Longer 


Aggeliki Koskeridou

Holistic Doctor – Counseling Psychotherapist

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

MSc Health Psychology

insta: dr_aggelikikoskeridou_official 




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